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Head boy, Head Girl and their Deputies

                                  Meet our Head Boy, Head Girl, Deputy Head Boy and Deputy Head Girl.

Head Boy and Girl and their Deputies

One of the most prestigious accolades in Y6 is to be chosen to be Head Boy or Head Girl. The Head Boy and Head Girl are chosen by the staff and are children that have shown consistent good behaviour, hard work, kindness and maturity throughout their time at the school. They are children who demonstrate all the values and behaviours to be leaders. Their deputies are elected by their peers.

The Head Boys and the Head Girls all share a passion and commitment for our school. They are the link between the pupils, staff and governors. They demonstrate positive behaviours and act as role models for all years and demonstrate our school 'C.A.R.E.' values. The Head Boys and Head Girls support the school at events (such as parent's evening, helping out with productions or extra-curricular events. They contribute to the effective running of the school, as directed by any staff member.  The Head Boys and Head Girls help to take responsibility as role models for younger students and help to ensure that the school is a safe and secure place for all students.

What does an Edleston Primary Head Boy, Head Girl, Deputy Head Boy and Head Girl look like?

We take many things into account when we are choosing our head girl and boy and the deputies including:

  • demonstrating our school values; Caring, Aspiration, Responsibility and Enjoyment
  • thoughtfulness for others
  • reliable
  • trustworthy
  • positive attitude to learning
  • good organisational skills
  • adaptability
  • good attendance
  • know the right thing to do and do it.
  • being resilient
  • showing respect for others and school property

A hello from our Head Boy, Head Girl and Deputies.

Hi everyone, I am Charlie and am looking forward to being Head Boy this year.

Hello, I am Valesca and am very excited to be Edleston's Head Girl. I have an aspiration to be a fashion designer when I am older because I love art and sewing. My favourite things to do in my free time are reading, gaming and exercising and love helping others!

Hi my name is Amber, I am the Deputy Head Girl and I was elected because I am kind, patient and I will help anyone. I will help all types of learners. I love helping teachers and other staff members and always have a big smile.

My name is Jacob and as your Deputy Head Boy I look forward to the role this year. I am kind-hearted and wholesome. I love playing with everyone but also always have time to help people who are upset or have no-one to play with. I am really careful with my actions, so I don't make anyone sad. I always try to do my best and rise to the challenges I am set.